
kitchen & more

Customer service: +36-70-884-3760
Opening hours: 08:00-16:00 (M-F)

We can send you a quotation within a few minutes

1. If you are not our customer yet, please register on the website
2. Sign in with your email address and password
3. Click on your name in the header or on this link to access your profile
4. In the menu on the left side choose "Request for quotation" then click on the "Start request for quotation" button
5. Add the chosen products to your cart in the desired quantity
6. Check your invoicing and delivery address, payment method
7. Finally click on the "Submit request for quotation" button

Within a few minutes you will receive our official quotation in email, including prices and all available product, delivery and payment information.
Please note that we send quotations only in email. If you need a signed&stamped version, please send us a simple reply email and our Customer Service will send you the updated version soon.