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Sustainability in the kitchen: green technologies and practices

2023. 11. 27.

Sustainability in the kitchen: green technologies and practices


Sustainability is one of today's most important challenges, which does not escape the hospitality industry either. Kitchens, as the cornerstones of catering, have a significant impact on the environment.
From energy consumption to food waste, there are opportunities to introduce green solutions in many areas. 

Green technologies and practices

Modern technology allows kitchens to become more efficient while operating in an environmentally friendly manner. Energy-saving ovens, refrigerators and dishwashers reduce energy consumption, while devices equipped with intelligent sensors optimize operation, minimizing unnecessary energy consumption.

Not only equipment, but also everyday practices are important for sustainability. Reducing food waste, using local and seasonal ingredients, and composting all contribute to a greener kitchen operation.


Reducing food waste

Reducing food waste is key to sustainable kitchens. This not only has a positive effect on the environment, but also reduces costs. Optimizing food dosing, recycling leftovers and efficient storage can all help with this.

And sustainable procurement means that kitchens buy from suppliers who are also committed to environmental protection. This may include buying from local producers, favoring organic and fair trade products, and supporting sustainable fishing practices.


Energy management and water use

Improving energy and water management offers additional opportunities to increase sustainability. Low-energy appliances, LED lighting, and water-saving faucets and sinks can significantly reduce the ecological footprint of kitchens.

Kitchen dishwashers are more efficient with softened water. The non-limescale heating element heats up the water in the boiler faster, and the softened water will make the plates and glasses cleaner, and there will be no annoying stains on them.

The introduction of sustainable kitchen practices not only protects the environment, but can also be economically beneficial in the long term. The application of green technologies and sustainable operational strategies promotes the development of a hospitality industry that manages its resources responsibly and has a positive impact on both society and the environment.


Prepare for the challenges of the future with us! Sustainable kitchen equipment not only protects the environment, but also saves money in the long run. Enter the world of modern gastronomy with energy-saving, modern equipmentl. Discover our wide selection that meets all needs, whether it's energy-saving ovens, refrigerators or water-saving sinks.

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