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The world's most delicious cocktails unite!

2024. 06. 20.

The world's most delicious cocktails unite!

One of the hit drinks at garden parties and summer gatherings is the cocktail. What's so good about it? Well, it quenches thirst, refreshes and sets the mood. Of course, you shouldn't overdo it, unless you drink it in the virgin version. Below we present some international cocktails, the majority of which are also known to us, but their origin is unknown.

1. White Russian

This cocktail actually has nothing to do with Belarus. Its fate was sealed by the fact that it is made from the national drink of the Russians - vodka. It was invented in 1949 by a Belgian mixer named Gustave Tops. The white version differs from the black Russian in that the latter lacks milk/cream. Another important ingredient is coffee liqueur. It was made really popular and world-famous by the movie The Big Lebowski, in which it was the main character's favorite drink.

2. Mojito

It is one of Cuba's national drinks. Ernest Hemingway was a big fan of this drink. He is said to have written an entire ode to his favorite cocktail on the wall of a bar called La Bodeguita del Medio, located in Havana. The main ingredients of the mix are mint, sugar, lime, lots of ice, white rum and soda. Because of the mint, one of the most refreshing cocktails on our list.

3. Pina Colada

The popularity of the Puerto Rican cocktail is unparalleled, and it is one of the most well-known drinks in our country. A mixture of rum, pineapple and coconut syrup makes it truly exotic. It is said to have been invented sometime in the 1950s, but it is still a favorite to this day.

4. Sangria

Not everyone knows, but Spanish Sangria is primarily a cocktail, that is, it is worth buying in the form of non-bottled drinks. Its origin dates back to the Middle Ages, at that time it was not safe to drink plain well water for hygienic reasons, so people preferred to drink fermented drinks - a mixture of brandy, wine and fruits. It is of course based on red wine and Spanish oranges, but it already exists in a white wine version as well. 

5. Margarita

The national drink of Mexico is the tequila-based cocktail, which may be familiar from many American movies and series (eg Friends). It's a little secondary to us, but to the west of us it's synonymous with relaxing on the beach in Mexico. 

6. Bloody Mary

Less well known, but this cocktail is a French invention. Its past is quite mysterious, but it can be guessed that it was created by Fernand Petiot in 1921, in Paris. Attempts have already been made to link his name to a number of historical figures, including Queen Elizabeth I of England. Its color is naturally given by tomatoes, but it also contains many spices, vodka and plenty of ice.

7. Amaretto Sour

The Italians cannot be left out of the list either, they managed to delegate an Amaretto-based cocktail to our list. The drink is made with lemon and lime juice, so it's worth being careful with it, especially if you don't like sour flavors. It is worth serving with lots of ice!

8. Capirinha

Another South American member of our list, cachaça, makes it really special. This liqueur made from fermented sugar cane is the national drink of Brazil and is also the main ingredient of capirinha. In addition, all you need is brown sugar, lime - and of course ice - and you can already enjoy the atmosphere of Copacabana!

9. Pimm's Cup

Even the cold Brits have a national cocktail: this refreshment was invented around 1840 in a London oyster bar. The owner of the bar, James Pimm, created it as a digestive drink, but it is recommended for any sunny afternoon. It contains orange, lemon, mint, tonic and of course Pimms liqueur - and last but not least, cucumber!


10. Vörös Lótusz

The only Asian cocktail on our list. The pink drink is made even more special by the taste of lychee, and it also needs a good dose of vodka and cranberry juice.. 

+1. Margarita Mocktail

It can be prepared for practically any cocktail, the virgin or alcohol-free (mocktail) version. This time, we offer a lighter version of the Mojito, which retains many of the original ingredients (it has lime, orange and the same way the edge of the glass is salted), plus grapefruit and almonds, but lacks tequila.

And if this list has gotten you in the mood for some cocktails, we recommend the MAXIMA ice cube machine for this great summer activity. Super company + super cocktails = super summer - you can easily get one of the important ingredients for this equation, just browse our site!

If you need a larger quantity of ice cubes, take a look at our selection!