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Tricks that make kitchen preparations easier

2023. 11. 17.

Tricks that make kitchen preparations easier

Cutting onions without tears

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to say goodbye to tears while chopping onions? Well, there are such practices!

A sharp knife is important. Think of your knife as a precise instrument that moves smoothly and quickly through the onion, minimizing cell damage so you won't cry. Better yet, use an onion chopper.

Our other tip: put the onion in the fridge half an hour before the operation! The cold slows down the compounds that cause tears, so when you start slicing, they're less active.

Breathe through your mouth as you chop, and if possible, wear glasses - either face-fitting sunglasses or safety glasses. This creates a protective shield between your eyes and the pungent onion fumes.


Mise en place

Have you ever thought that the art of cooking is not only a harmonious play of flavors and textures, but also a performance where every detail counts? This is where the principle of mise en place, i.e. "everything in its place", comes into play, which is not only the secret weapon of professional chefs, but also of everyday kitchen fairies.

Imagine that all the ingredients, spices and tools are right in front of you, where you need them, so you don't always have to rush desperately. This type of preparation and organization reduces stress, increases concentration and allows you to focus fully on cooking..

Start by preparing all the materials and tools and arranging them logically in your work area. Use different sized bowls for your prepared ingredients to keep everything organized and clear. Spices can be placed in the smaller bowls, and pre-washed and sliced ​​vegetables in the larger ones. This way, not only will your workflow be faster, but your kitchen will also stay clean during food preparation.


Quick and efficient preparation of vegetables 

One of the best tools to get is a good quality vegetable peeler. With a sharp peeler, you can not only remove the skin of vegetables faster, but also much safer. With a peeler, there is less chance of cutting yourself, and the vegetables also lose less nutrients, since you only remove the outermost layer.

The second important step: cutting the vegetables into uniform sizes. This is important not only for aesthetic reasons, but also because you can ensure that all pieces cook in the same amount of time. With evenly sized pieces, you don't have to worry about some parts being raw while others are already overcooked. Use a sharp, high-quality knife or hand chopper!


Take a look around our online store, and choose from quality kitchen accessories that will save you time in the kitchen! Don't wait any longer, discover our range and enjoy every minute of working in the kitchen!


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