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Uses and beneficial effects of olives

2024. 09. 11.

Uses and beneficial effects of olives

The olive

The olive is life itself!

But what exactly are its beneficial effects? What else can olives be used for outside of the kitchen?


Uses of the thousand-faced olive

The olive is a symbol of peace and love, tranquility and prosperity. The divine food, which is concretely inedible. Olives are unfit for human consumption in their raw form.

It is incredibly bitter raw and so hard that it is impossible to separate from its core. After several weeks of marinating, it reaches the consistency that you can put in your Greek salad.

Olive oil

According to the Italians, it is good to have at least two extra virgin olive oils at home. A cheaper oil for cooking and a better quality one for flavoring and salads.

Since the nature of olive oil is influenced by many circumstances, different types of olive oil can come out of the same growing area, from the same variety and from the hands of the same producer in each vintage. Oil is made from more than 90% of the olives produced today.


The common user uses two types of olives in the kitchen: black and green. But these two are actually one. Because black olives are a more mature version of green olives.

Extra virgin olive oil

It is produced mechanically and not chemically. One of the conditions is that you should not wait more than 24 hours after harvesting, but start pressing the berries, otherwise fermentation will start, which also affects the acid content. The extra virgin designation refers to the extraction method and composition of the oil, but does not guarantee quality.

Virgin olive oil

It is made in the same way as extra virgin, only the conditions during harvesting and pressing are not as strict, so the acid content is also higher. Its acid content can be a maximum of 2 percent, so it is less healthy than extra virgin. The taste is not that distinctive either.

Olive outside the kitchen

In the past, among other things, it was used as a raw material for medicines, for lighting (oil lamps), skin care, and soap making. You also have countless options if you have a bottle of olive oil at home. You can curl your hair with it. You can get rid of snoring. You can polish your stainless steel dishes with it. You can use it to open a zipper that was stuck a long time ago. You can treat your earache with it.


Physiological effects


It is full of vitamins and other minerals

Olives are rich in fats, especially omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids. In minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, vitamins E, D and K. It contains moderate amounts of flavonoids, fiber and a lot of sodium.

It has a life-prolonging effect

So what plant could be able to prolong life, like the one that can itself reach the age of Methuselah? The olive tree can live up to 2000 years.

Olives are rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, and also contain small amounts of selenium and zinc. Antioxidants slow down the aging of your cells.

Strengthens bones

The antioxidant effect not only increases the number of your years, but is also anti-inflammatory, which is why it is easier to avoid or overcome the osteoporosis that affects many people.  People who consumed higher amounts of olive oil had a 51% lower risk of fracture.

It helps in losing weight

The unsaturated fatty acids found in olives prevent the deposition of fats, protect the vascular system from calcification, reduce high blood pressure, and are also suitable for preventing thrombosis. In addition, it enhances the metabolism.


We hope we were able to introduce you to the olive better! Click here!