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A well-proven salami recipe

2016. 01. 11.

A well-proven salami recipe

This recipe is for those who feel their culinary passion on cold mornings and are not afraid of the effort of perfecting authentic flavors.


- 10 kg of mixed pork (thigh, shoulder, ribs, sides), if it is not fatty enough, add a little bacon. It is best to use pork weighing more than 150 kg.
- 20 dkg of sweet ground paprika
- 5 dkg of spicy ground paprika
- 25 dkg of salt
- 5 dkg of finely chopped garlic
- 2 dkg cumin

 To make the best quality salami, it is ideal to start the process in cold weather. Place the meat on a table, debone it and grind it with a meat mincer on a 4.5 mm disc. Then the meat is kneaded cold with the spices.

Take the mass out to the cold and on a clean table and approx. Spread it to a thickness of 10 cm. After it has frozen in the cold, we take it back and start filling the salami with a sausage filler with a larger capacity. We put the finished sausages on a rack in the pantry, where it is important that it is not too hot (maximum plus 8 degrees).

After 48 hours, the sausages are placed in the smokehouse. It is smoked slowly for five to six days, making sure that the temperature does not exceed plus 16 degrees. If faster results are needed or if we don't have a smoker cabinet, a smaller table top smoker can also be used. After smoking, the sausages are returned to the panrty, where they are left at plus 18 degrees for another three months. During this period, the taste and quality of the delicious, real homemade salami is fully developed.

Try our well-proven recipe, enjoy the cavalcade of flavors and get the necessary equipment now for the perfect result!

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