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How to make scrambled eggs with extras!

2024. 09. 16.

How to make scrambled eggs with extras!

More than a simple ingredient

Eggs are one of the oldest and most versatile ingredients that people use in the kitchen. Think about it: even ancient civilizations knew that eggs are a real treasure. It is nutritious, easily available and can be prepared in countless ways.

But where does the scrambled egg that everyone knows come from? The first records of the use of eggs go back thousands of years, and although the exact origins of scrambled eggs are obscure, different cultures have been preparing similar dishes for centuries.


The evolution of scrambled eggs

Scrambled eggs have not only survived over the centuries, but also changed constantly. While in the beginning it was just a simple egg dish, the extra ingredients and cooking techniques used by different cultures made it what we know and love today. Scrambled eggs are therefore not just a dish, but a gastronomic journey through time, during which the flavors and traditions of different cultures meet on your plate.


The basics: this is what you need for the perfect scrambled eggs

Good quality eggs

Always make sure to use fresh eggs, because freshness greatly affects the final result. It is best to choose eggs from free-range hens, because they are not only tastier, but also richer in nutrients.

A simple trick for choosing fresh eggs: put the egg in a glass of water. If it sinks to the bottom, it's fresh, if it floats, don't use it!

Some good advice

The key to making scrambled eggs is the right technique. First, don't beat the eggs too hard - just mix them lightly to keep the egg's natural texture. When baking, it is important to work on a low or medium heat, as this will prevent the scrambled eggs from drying out or hardening. In order to achieve a creamy, soft texture, do not leave the egg in the pan for too long: as soon as it starts to solidify, remove it from the heat.

A good pan is essential

Choosing the right pan is also key to making the perfect scrambled eggs. A good frying pan prevents the egg from sticking and also helps to distribute the heat evenly.

Also pay attention to the size of the pan! Choose a medium-sized pan with slightly curved walls, in which you can easily move the egg and the finished scrambled egg.


5 tricks that can easily make your breakfast varied!

1. There's never enough cheese

If you like cheese, scrambled eggs can be a real treasure for you! With cheese, you can not only make this simple dish creamier, but you can also give it a special flavor. It's a good idea to grate the cheese before adding it - for example with this cheese grater!

Parmesan, for example, gives scrambled eggs an intense, salty character, while cheddar makes the flavors richer and fuller. And if you want something really special, try goat cheese - its slightly sour taste harmonizes perfectly with eggs.

2. Vegetables worth trying

Vegetables are not only healthy, they also add color and freshness to scrambled eggs. Spinach is also worth trying, as it is a real superfood: rich in vitamins and nutrients, while low in calories and carbohydrates.

3. Seasoning at a master's level

Spices are the secret weapons in the kitchen! A pinch of turmeric not only gives the egg a bright yellow color, it also makes the taste extra special. If you like spicy flavors, a pinch of chili flakes will definitely spice up your food.

Don't forget about fresh herbs either: parsley or chives also give it a pleasant taste.

4. For meat lovers

Bacon is a classic choice, crispy and simply heavenly. If you want something less fatty, ham is also a great alternative.

And don't forget the sausage!

5. Get inspired by the world's best recipes

If you're tired of the usual scrambled eggs, why not look around the world's kitchens? The French omelette is a softer, creamier version that you can perfect with butter and a little salt.

The Spanish tortilla, made with potatoes and onions, takes the concept of scrambled eggs to a whole new level.

And the Italian frittata, richly filled with vegetables, cheese and meat, is a real flavor bomb.


This is worth paying attention to!

The secret is to find a balance: choose 2-3 ingredients that harmonize well with each other and let the egg dominate. This way, the scrambled egg remains rich in flavor and light.


Try the techniques learned here and make perfect scrambled eggs! Discover our kitchen accessories and shop at to make every breakfast special!