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Standing, sitting or lying down? Strange eating habits around the world

2024. 09. 14.

Standing, sitting or lying down? Strange eating habits around the world

There are times when it's not worth sitting down

Would you have thought that in some parts of the world, eating while standing is completely natural? For example in Japan. Crowds of people eating while standing are a common sight on Japanese streets. But why do they choose this solution? The answer is simple: adapted to their fast-paced lifestyle, it is faster and more practical. 

But this custom is not only found in Japan. If you have ever been to Italy, you may have noticed that in cafes, especially in the morning hours, the locals drink their morning coffee standing at the counter.


Okay, but healthy?

Eating while standing is therefore quick and practical. But what effect does it have on our health? One of its advantages is that it can speed up digestion. When you eat standing up, gravity helps the food move through the stomach, which can result in faster digestion. This can be especially useful for those who often suffer from digestive problems. According to Dr. Peyton Berookim, a specialist at the Gastroenterology Institute of Southern California, the possibility of developing acid reflux is also lower when you eat while standing.

So does this now mean that it is better to eat standing up? It's not that simple! Although there are advantages to eating while standing or perhaps walking, we also know a number of negative effects. In this case, we tend to eat faster, which can make it difficult to chew properly. In addition, with quick bites, more air enters the stomach, which can lead to bloating and gas formation.


"You eat standing up like horses…"

Eating is not only about nutrition, in some cultures eating together is an essential part of everyday life. In Hungary, for example, family dinners and Sunday lunches are synonymous with time spent with family.

Another example is the food culture of the French, where eating is considered an art. In France, dinner is more than simple nutrition. Eating here is a kind of ritual that gives you time to relax and socialize.


Give your body time!

This slower pace of eating has a favorable effect on digestion, as the stomach gets more time to process the food, which reduces the chance of developing digestive problems.

In addition, when you eat more slowly, your body has more time to signal when you have eaten enough, which can help you avoid overeating. Eating while sitting not only improves digestion, but also contributes to maintaining a healthy body weight.


There are places where eating lying down is not unusual

When you think of antique paintings, what comes to mind? Perhaps you also remember how the ancient Greeks are depicted in a reclining position while they are eating. This is no accident! In ancient Rome and Greece, eating while lying down was a privilege of the upper classes and symbolized luxury and wealth. 

There are regions in India where eating lying down is still an active habit, especially during festive occasions.


Be carefull!

While it may be convenient to eat lying down, it may not be the best for your health. In a supine position, digestion can slow down and there is a greater chance of developing reflux, because stomach acid can easily return to the esophagus.

Eating habits vary greatly in different parts of the world. Whether we eat standing, sitting or lying down, these habits reveal a lot about our culture and lifestyle. 


No matter how you eat your favorite dishes, choose professional accessories to make them! 

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