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Canteen meals which we loved back in the day

2024. 08. 02.

Canteen meals which we loved back in the day

The old school

Despite the fact that public catering is not the pinnacle of gastronomy, there were still favorite dishes that you try to make at home even as an adult. Somehow it doesn't work. You are probably trying too high quality ingredients. Do you remember what else was your favorite?

The wonders of Hungarian public catering will follow. It might be worth observing the differences and similarities between the canteen dishes of each nation!


The canteen tea

You can easily do this at home. One of the secrets is to put as few tea filters as possible in as much water as possible. The other is that you have to add all the sugar in the world. For harmony, the sweet taste should be balanced with lemon.

Tomato soup with pasta characters

A lot can be said about the canteen meals, but not that they were boring. The tomato soup - which, with its sweet and sour taste, was one of the more delicious dishes - raised the dining experience to a whole other level. A soup with which you can also text? Come on!


The schnitzel is the joker of dishes. Flour, eggs, breadcrumbs and happiness is ready. It is no coincidence that schnitzel with French fries is the children's menu in most restaurants.

Spaghetti with cheese

According to a recent public opinion survey, in which 7,500 students from 298 classes participated, spaghetti with cheese is the absolute favorite. Pasta dishes are also popular among children. After all, Popeye needs a favorite when he gets bored of spinach.

Sponge cake with chocolate sauce

We can say that this dessert is the Gundel pancake of public catering. Unfortunately, this delicious dessert could not be on the menu every day.

The reform of public catering

The above-mentioned old favorites can now be banned in certain schools. Nowadays, they try to make the menu healthier by adding more vegetables and fruits, but of course there are countries where students are still given foods with a high fat, sugar and sodium content.

According to an investigation by Greenpeace Austria, the canteens in Vienna proved to be the healthiest in Europe. Here, children are offered mainly organic and local food, as well as less but better quality meat. It is not difficult to find forward-thinking kitchens here either. They are happy to give preference to small producers. Seasonal and fresh fruits and vegetables are placed on the students' plates.

The canteen is the first encounter with catering industry for many of us. In this place, we learned that the quality of the food is important, but not the most important thing. Eating together and sharing experiences with friends is also important.

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