Making Hungarian fish soup like you've never seen it before!
2016. 11. 14.
Making fish soup with professional tools
As we approach the big holidays, especially around Christmas, we receive more and more interest in strainers that can also be used for fish soup. (In recent years, we have noticed that fish soup is an equally popular dish during summer holidays!)
Smaller or larger plastic or metal strainers are available in various kitchen equipment stores, but anyone who works with larger quantities knows that these are just child toys...
If someone really needs to make a large amount of fish soup (and this is not uncommon in Hungary along the Tisza), we usually recommend at least the smaller Louis Tellier fish soup strainer, or its bigger brother. You can start working with this device that can be placed on a pot, according to our experience, approx. 1.5 kg of thicker juice can be filtered through its 3 mm sieve.
For those who want more performance, but insist on hand-filtering (either to save money or because they prefer a more chunky, rustic end result), the bigger brother of the previous strainer, the Louis Tellier MLP10 professional fish strainer can also make life much easier. This strainer already stands on legs, a large pot can easily be placed on the stand, under the sieve. Its performance is approx. 2 kg per minute.
Although there are advantages to filtering by hand, everyone can easily see that it is a time-consuming and trying task to process hundreds or even thousands of liters of fish soup in this way during the holidays. It is no coincidence that larger restaurants have long been looking for a machine that can solve this task simply and quickly.
We visited just such a place recently, where we were lucky enough to see live how the Robot Coupe strainer copes with straining 50 liters of ready-made fish juice. Well, what we saw was beyond our imaginations. We installed a sieve with a hole diameter of 3 mm on the machine and asked the chef colleague to dispense the juice together with all parts of the fish.
In a short time it turned out that the 3 mm sieve was a good choice, the strained juice went into one container in a perfectly homogeneous consistency, while the unwanted parts of the fish gathered in the other container:
The picture above was taken after about 5 minutes of use. And how long do you think it took the machine to finish the 40 liters of fish juice?
in 15 minutes.
Fortunately, we captured this dizzying performance on video, see how fast the finished, passed-through fish juice flows into the tank!
Convincing, right?
In the past year, one of our Italian manufacturing partners made available an even more robust machine, suitable for the mechanical filtering of fish juice in addition to tomatoes. You can learn more about our LA FELSINEA SKRAT device by clicking here.
Order it now for this season, your colleagues working in the kitchen will be grateful for it!
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